“You know, some of the good part of blog theory was that blogs would be like diaries that the world could read. They would be spontaneous, whatever pops into your mind, as a diary would be”.
–Gregg Easterbrook-
It is always fun and exciting to read other people’s blog especially with those who shares the similar interest like you and I recently found out from Technorati’s Blog Directory that blogs are categorized into a few categories as shown below:
· Business
· Entertainment
· Lifestyles
· Politics
· Sports
· Technology
Under these main categories, there are also sub-categories formed to provide a variety of preference for the readers. Here are some examples of the different types of blogs we can find online.
I. Fashion Blogs
(Source: boohoo.com)
(Source: diaryofane-shopaholic.blogspot.com)
II. Politic Blog
(Source: hannahyeoh.blogspot.com)
(Source: thestar.com.my)
III. Sports Blog
Besides that, there is also mobile blogging or better known as “Moblog” being used by the society today. Moblog helps habitual bloggers to update their blogs directly from their mobile phones or even handheld devices (Tech Target 2008).
(Source: nationage.com)
There are also blogs by media type like vlog, linklog, sketch log and tumblelogs.
A Vlog is a blog that has a video, which counterpart with text, images and other information to sum up the framework of a video (iblog.at 2009).
(Source: tametheweb.com)
A Linklog is a blog that has many other links to it (Belan, L 2009).

(Source: apertef5.com.br)
Other than that, a Sketchlog is a blog that uses sketches (Belan, L 2009).

(Source: entrecard.com)
Lastly, a Tumblelog is a blog that consist of a series of links, videos, quotation marks, brief blurbs and metaphors (Pixelspread 2008).
(Source: danhbaweb20.com)
Apart from that, there is also business and corporate blogs created to structure product image as well as to be in touch with clients (iblog.at 2009).
Rowse, D (2006) said that bloggers do not need a subject matter that everyone is searching for, but just one that can be useful even only a small number of people are interested in it. On contrary, Lenssen, P (2006) also emphasizes that illustrative caption, inverted pyramid, and accountability of sources are vital styles of an excellent blog.
In my opinion, although the classification of blogs varies in many ways, the connection in the midst of bloggers has never been cut-off. Bloggers with similar interests will form a blog community, to discuss and share their ideas.
Belan, L 2009, 'So You Want to Blawg Do You?', viewed 14 April 2010, [http://ezinearticles.com/?So-You-Want-to-Blawg-Do-You?&id=2230121]
iblog.at 2009, 'How to Define Niche Blogs', viewed 14 April 2010, [http://iblog.at/ihomebusresources/2009/04/21/how-to-define-niche-blogs/]
Lessen, P 2006, 'Good Blog Writting Style', viewed 14 April 2010, [http://blogoscoped.com/archive/2006-10-11-n47.html]
Pixelspread 2008, 'What is a tumblelog', viewed 14 April 2010, [http://pixelspread.com/blog/223/what-is-a-tumblelog]
Rowse, D 2006, 'How to Choose a Niche Topic for your Blog', viewed 14 April 2010, [http://www.problogger.net/archives/2006/02/15/how-to-choose-a-niche-topic-for-your-blog/]
Tech Target 2008, 'Whatis.com: moblog', viewed 14 April 2010, [http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci1180174,00.html]