(Source: karagwe.com)
Ever heard of "Blogging Communities"? Blog community refers to a group of people who shares the same interest networking online within limited set of technologies (White, N 2006). In blogging communities, people reach out to each other, building friendships and creating social connections.
There are various blog communities in the Internet and White (2006) has divided them into three key patterns, which are:
I. Single Centric Community
The single centric community is a type of blog based community where readers will keep coming back to the site to leave comments and gets to know each other, not only the owner but also the other readers around.
II. Topic Centric Community
The topic centric community exists when blogs are connected by a common interest or topic. An illustration of a shared community who uses this form of community is the Global Voices community. This community accumulates blogs from developing countries in order to have the mainstream media to notice the certain issues of those countries.
III. Boundaried Community
Boundaried community is a compilation of blogs that host a particular website. This community usually have other functions such as discussion boards, social networking sites, forums and instant messaging in their website. Bloggers or a reader within a defined boundary creates an opportunity for consumers to gain access to other blogs.
White, N 2006, 'Blogs and Community-launching a new paradigm for online community', viewed 14 April 2010, [http://kt.flexiblelearning.net.au/tkt2006/edition-11-editorial/blogs-and-community-%E2%80%93-launching-a-new-paradigm-for-online-community]
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