Before the formation of the new media, the old media are traditional means of communication. Industries that are considered elements of the old media are broadcast and cable television, radio, movie, newspaper, magazines, books and most print publications. Many of those industries are now less profitable than they used to be and this is has been attributed to the advance of the new media (Ostrow, A 2009).

The enhancement of new media on the other hand, has showed the way to people to access information easily and efficiently via different types of media publishing tools such as moblogs, vlogs, photoblog, and news portals.

YouTube is at the forefront of a new video transformation on the Net (Woolley 2006). The chaos it has formed since its creation in 2005 has been a huge phenomenal. According to Alexa.com (2009), users of the Internet spend an average of 22.7 minute/day on the YouTube site and it hits the Alexa’s website traffic ranking as the third highest on the Internet. This shows a new channel in media publishing that has never been seen before. Without a doubt, a video posted on YouTube can have as much impact as a piece of writing written in the daily newspapers. YouTube has always been prevalent in the political scene in the recent years.
Alexa.com 2009,’YouTube.com- Traffic Details from Alexa’, Alexa.com, viewed on 15 April 2010, [http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/youtube.com]
Jones, A 2007, 'You Tube's Legal Issues Grow', Econtent.com, viewed on 15 April 2010,[http://www.econtentmag.com/Articles/ArticleReader.aspx?ArticleID=39887]
Kenyon, A & Marjoribanks, T 2007, ‘Transforming Media Markets: The Cases of Malaysia and Singapore’, Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies, Vol 5, no. 2, pp. 103-118, viewed on 15 April 2010, [http://www.swimburne.edu.au/hosting/ijets/journal/V5N2/pdf/Article3-KENYON.pdf]
Mohan, R 2007, 'YouTube Revolution: How the internet sensation will change the face of political advertising', viewed on 15 April 2010, [http://media.www.osusentinel.com/media/storage/paper1151/news/2007/04/18/Commentary/Youtube.Revolution-2850664.shtml]
Ostrow, A 2009, 'Stats: Old Media’s Decline, New Media’s Ascent', viewed 15 April 2010, [http://mashable.com/2009/01/29/stats-old-media-decline/]
Woolley, S 2006, 'Video Fixation, Forbes', viewed on 15 April 2010, [http://www.forbes.com/free_forbes/2006/1016/100a.html]
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